First, there’s the whole ‘making you feel like the most important person in the whole world’ thing. Salespeople are absolute geniuses at this. During your visit and all subsequent follow-up engagements, they can turn on the charm and subtly elevate your ego to a level generally reserved for royalty, rockstars and sports heroes. You’ll leave that showroom floating on a cloud feeling more honoured than King Charles, more astute than Ursula von der Leyen and more adored than Tom Cruise.

Who wouldn’t get hooked on being treated like that? But the problem is, as with any addiction, going cold turkey can be very tough. And bizarrely, for some, that process begins at what should be the absolute emotional pinnacle of the supercar purchasing experience.
The wrap has been pulled off your new car for the grand unveiling. The flowers and the chocolates have been handed over. You’ve had the full pre-drive briefing from the salesperson, explaining what every button and control does. You’ve been given the customary: “This is the track mode that unleashes another 100hp and turns off all the electronic stability controls. We don’t recommend it for normal drivers, only for highly accomplished pilots with the reactions of Lewis Hamilton, such as yourself,” advice.
To your abject horror, the salesperson has already turned their back on you, and that 1000-watt smile is being turned on the next customer who has just stepped in the door. You no longer feel like the centre of the universe. You feel utterly deflated, and your new car can do nothing to fill the aching void. Worse than that, by the time you’ve driven it home, you’ve already started thinking about your next car.

So, if buying supercars is an addiction, do we need therapy?
I would argue not. I don’t think it’s even necessary to buy a self-help book. There are lots of things you can do.
Start by setting the alarm extra early, get out there when the roads are quiet and empty, and just enjoy your new car. Drive it and remind yourself why you wanted it so much in the first place. Join a club like SuperCar Driver and get some dates in the diary. Meet up with fellow enthusiasts and try a track day or two.
Have faith. This addiction can be beaten.
And if it can’t, well, get in touch with the team at JBR Capital, and we can at least help you finance your next supercar!