Our Brokers

Over the last 12 years of offering vehicle finance, we’ve developed long-term relationships with the brokerage industry. Having started the business from a broker background, we fully understand your needs and we have the depth of resources to cater to you. Plus, we always go the extra mile to get each deal done.

As the UK’s only finance provider, we fund a wide range of vehicles valued from £50,000 to £2,000,000 and we lend to private individuals, corporates, partnerships and sole traders. Our management team has decades of combined experience, gained in the worlds of automotive finance and financial services. Our success depends on repeat business, so keeping our brokers happy is incredibly important to us.

  • Superior service: every broker has a dedicated Account Manager to ensure personal contact and deliver the very best service.
  • Fast turnaround: speed is everything, so we’ve developed bespoke systems and recruited outstanding representatives to make sure proposals get turned around as quickly as possible.
  • ‘Can do’ attitude: our underwriting team operates a bespoke approach. They look beyond the numbers and don’t rely on automated credit scores.
  • Experience counts: our team regularly performs in-depth credit assessments and apply their own unique approach. They can underwrite proposals that would ordinarily be declined by more rigid finance houses.

We’re are full members of the Finance & Leasing Association and we abide by its FLA Lending Code on trading fairly and responsibly. We are also regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Our reputation precedes us
If you are a broker looking for a highly effective and reputable finance partner in the high-end vehicle sector, call  020 3355 0035 and we will be delighted to tell you more.